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Hello everyone


We hope you are ok.

For new members, thank you for joining our club.

We are operated by our members and at the moment we are sending out emails to let you have accountability as to  how the club is running and decisions which are made. 

Unfortunately the chairperson is also a coach so, at the moment we are not holding meetings in person. This is why these emails are so very important 

This is your club and we need your feedback to help run it and make decisions which you want to see actioned and discussed.

Firstly we have money to account for: 

We have three bank accounts 

1)Preston Panthers no 13850102 which has £4000.35 (a reserved fund).

2)Preston 64022106 which has £3,17.53

3)Preston  Panthers no 926488997 which has £7,630.97

These look healthy accounts but we are not meeting our costs as we need a minimum of £150 a week to break even and we are not managing to do this. This is because of a mixture or reasons but predominantly because we did not have to pay for the swim and now we do. Preston City Council paid for it before Covid shut everything down and GLL who run the centre have not committed to keeping the agreement. If anybody wants to protest or make this an issue feel free to let us know and we will help in any way possible as we know how vital having a swim is to our children's health.


We are holding a jumble sale at Ingol Methodist Church on the 30th of July and will need people to help out and /or bring donations.

Please contact Ruth if you want to leave donations with us to sell or would be willing to fill slots to help the day run efficiently. We will be open to set up at 9.00am and run until 1.30pm. One hour slots will need to be filled up.

We do this so our children are supported to live an active lifestyle by participating in our club and be able to go on our yearly trip to the Calvert Trust Lake District which we hold each year.


We are truly run by our volunteers. We have no staff to pay. We only have to pay our rent, insurance costs and buy new equipment.


There is no swimming tomorrow as the swimming club has a gala. Apologies. I have only been informed today.


Calvert - Members who have asked that they want to pay directly into an account need to give your name to...

Preston Panthers  40-37-25 account no 92648997


We are ready to take the rest of the Calvert monies this month and would like the next installment of £50 paid by the end of July month.


Hopefully this answers any questions you may have. If not, feel free to email us at this address. Or ring Ruth on 07599333816.


Keep safe and take care 

Kind regards

    If you find any bugs please contact the website administrator at

    This is me the website administrator Philip, ---------------->

    I attend Panthers as I have my own disability.

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