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Preston Panthers Parents Meeting 16th November 2019


Parent Present:- Hamed Alawad,  Manel Alqhtani,  Tom Farey, Marilyn and Peter Gregson, Alia Idress, Shania  Idress, Nazia Ilyas, Michelle Orrel, Christina Stringfellow, Diana Turner, Glynis Wharton, Ruth Wilkie, Teresa Wilkinson, Apologies:- Christine Walker

Ruth welcomed everyone and started the meeting.


Finance:- PP1 £2887.28   PP2 £4833.78    PP3 £1620.81  This looks good but the New Year does have extra costs needed for insurance and membership. It will also help us fund extra trips. If anyone has any ideas please email text or ring Ruth. or or 07599333816


Calvert Trip:- We would like testimonials from the visit to Calvert. Could everyone who went write something.  Even if it is here at the session we would be very grateful. We can add it to our website with any photos.


Next year we will be looking at the criteria and attendance as you all know it is your child who does not pay because of the subs you pay all year. The more you attend the more likely it is you will get a place.


Preston Panthers paid over £1000 for volunteers to go carers and £5000 for the children. The cost of the including the coach was over £10,000.


New Membership Forms :- We have a second page now to comply with GDPR laws. If you need  to update please also fill out a new page one.


Bag Pack:- This will be at Morrisons on the 14th of December between 9am and 3pm. Please do come even if you can only spare an hour. It is a very important aspect of Panthers as people do like to donate to us because we are here on the doorstep. If any members unable to help bag pack maybe you could do your own fundraiser or just make a donation of your own. It is every member that benefits.


Christmas Party:- A vote was taken by parents present and it was unanimous to have our Christmas party on the 21st December. There will be a list for food so everyone can put their name down for what they are bringing please.


 Bowling trip:- We are planning a bowling trip date to be arranged


Extra Group:- we have a grant and are setting up a group to help develop sports skills for our younger members. It involves more sensory equipment and we will be hiring the other hall. This is planned for the beginning of February for a six months trial. Heidi is helping advertise this on twitter and will be visiting schools. If you know any families who will benefit do let them know.


 Committee Members:- We are still in need of people who can help run the club. Treasurer and someone to advertise on social media, apply for grants, it could be done by more than one person and should not take up lots of your time. You can always do it while your here at Panthers. Michelle Orrel has said she is willing to be the treasurer. A big thank you to her.


Filming:- Thank you to everyone who turned up. We have seen the footage it is great.


Foodbank :- Thank you for buying food at the mini food bank it is helping us cover costs and will help provide things we need to buy. Leaflets Banners etc.


A very big thank you to Hamad and Manal for doing the lovely banner and offering to print leaflets for our club

It was suggested we got school to email the parents and put information about Panthers on school newsletters

People present thanked everyone who organised The Calvert trip and said what a wonderful time was had by all

Ruth closed the meeting.


Next meeting to be arranged for January.

Parents meeting
00:00 / 03:59

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